The activities of R&D transform the resources invested by the company into new knowledge, while innovation is the process that transforms this knowledge into new business opportunities.
The R&D of the Gresmalt Group is divided into three different interdependent activities:
1. Industrial Research is the investigation aimed at creating and acquiring new scientific, technological and managerial knowledge. This knowledge enables the experimental development of new ceramic products and processes to manufacture them.
2. Aesthetic Research is the creation of new ceramic products capable of combining Italian design and style with the technological and functional properties of building ceramics.
3. Experimental Development combines the knowledge acquired from Industrial and Aesthetic Research and from professional experience. This knowledge is then used to create prototypes of materials, technological solutions or ceramic collections in an experimental environment aimed at validating their industrial feasibility.
For the Gresmalt Group innovation is the process that transforms the ceramic product developed, thanks to R&D activities, into a concrete commercial success. The creation of value is therefore the distinguishing feature of the Gresmalt Group’s innovation.