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Gresmalt sustainability
as a core value.

Gresmalt considers sustainability to be a cornerstone of its enterprise culture.

That is why, in all its daily activities, the company is committed to responsible use of natural and human resources, as well as technologies that reduce environmental and social impact.

The Group’s sustainability journey has involved a gradual evolution of the methods and strategies employed to consolidate its internal governance and enhance its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance over time. More specifically, 2023 saw the continuation of a structured pathway which began in 2022 with a benchmarking initiative to assess the Group’s sustainability standing, and the implementation of a materiality analysis, which formed the foundation of the first Sustainability Report (2022).

Gresmalt has developed
and established an
ESG Strategic Plan.


Gresmalt has identified
three guidelines for the
definition of the Plan.



The first concerns innovability, where innovation and sustainability come together to direct the Group’s full commitment to the ecological transition enabled by technology. This aspect includes both environmental goals (on energy consumption, emissions, climate change and water resources), product goals (quality, innovation and circularity of products and processes), and data privacy and security.


development of
human resources

The second guideline concerns development of human resources, which represents the company’s strength, and includes worker training and welfare, as well as occupational health and safety.


commitment to

The final guideline is linked to the commitment to stakeholders, which includes their satisfaction, ethics, integrity, and compliance and management of impacts along the supply chain. Gresmalt considers it fundamentally important to build good relationships with its stakeholders, and is committed to sharing its ESG performance with them in a transparent manner. The ESG Plan structure is given below.


ISO 17889-1 Certified:
Gresmalt Group's Assurance to
Sustainable Ceramic Excellence.

Production activity within the Gresmalt Group
complies with the primary worldwide standard
defining sustainable ceramic tiles (published by
the International Organisation for Standardization
in June 2021). Following the audit performed
during the course of 2024, the Group achieved a
score of 126 points out of the 130 available, this
attaining certification. The standard consists of 38
indicators spread across environmental, social,
and economic fields and features a multi-rating
structure which makes it possible to rate the level
of performance achieved by the products.
This standard is also aligned with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the
United Nations within the 2030 Agenda, focusing
specifically on Goal 12, which concerns responsible
consumption and production.

Download the ISO 17889-1 Certification

EPD - Environmental
product declaration

The Gresmalt Group has obtained the EPD
(Environmental Product Declaration) as a company.
This voluntary certification documents the
environmental impact of the porcelain stoneware
tiles manufactured in the company’s three plants,
reporting transparently, objectively, and using
comparable criteria.
The EPD is designed to improve environmental
communication between producers, distributors,
and consumers, providing data on energy and
raw material usage, on the production of solid waste,
on atmospheric emissions, and on the disposal
of wastewater.
The EPD is prepared in compliance with rigorous
methodological standards, under which assessments
and verifications are carried out by independent,
accredited third parties. This process ensures the
validation of the document, thereby guaranteeing
the authenticity and accuracy of the information it contains.

Download the EPD



Dycta: the transition from industry 4.0 to industry 5.0

The Gresmalt group is going beyond Industry 4.0 with the introduction of DYCTA (DynamiC susTainability Assessment), an advanced sustainability assessment system. Using digitisation and IoT technologies, DYCTA transforms the environmental, social, economic and technology sustainability assessment into a proactive and dynamic process. The digital platforms in the factories use interconnected sensors capture operating data in real time, allowing for continuous assessment of the corporate impacts.
DYCTA’s innovation lies in its forward-looking approach, which allows Gresmalt to predict and respond in an agile manner to present and future sustainability requirements. This ability to adapt is fundamental for the transition to industry 5.0, where human-machine interaction and responsible innovation become central.


Eco-design: sustainable
design with Dycta

To align its research, development, and innovation efforts with sustainability principles, the Gresmalt Group has embraced eco-design as its new approach to design. Indeed, it is during the design phase of a new ceramic collection that decisions are made which profoundly impact the level of sustainability of the products throughout their lifecycle.Gresmalt Group has implemented Eco-design and life cycle perspective by exploiting the potential of DYCTA in association with digital technologies of Industry 4.0 and the emerging paradigm of Industry 5.0.
This integration has led to the development of ceramic products that place sustainability alongside more conventional attributes such as functionality, aesthetics, quality, and value.

VAT number 00133450353 
REA no. 105397 of REGGIO EMILIA
Fully paid-up share capital € 2,716,000